Customer Operations Performance Center Incorporated, also known as COPC Inc., is a privately held international customer service support company based in Austin, Texas. COPC Inc. redesigns business processes for customer contact center and business process outsourcing (BPO) services, offering training, consulting and certification services. Clients of COPC Inc. include General Motors (GM), Verizon (VZ), Circuit City (CC), Harte-Hanks (HHS), Apple Inc. (AAPL), Aegis and Minacs.[1] Today, COPC Inc. has a consulting staff of approximately 100 people worldwide servicing companies in over 50 countries. The company relocated from New York to Austin in 2007. COPC Inc. is currently involved in the Austin Call Center Alliance.[2]



In 1996, a collective group of call center service users joined together to draft the first standard to measure customer contact center performance for customer service providers. The group included representatives from American Express (AXP), Compaq, Dell (DELL), Intel (INTC), L.L. Bean, Microsoft (MSFT), Motorola (MOT) and Novell (NOVL). At the time, there was no widely-used benchmark to highlight top-performing call centers from their competitors. The standard drafted in 1996 became the first edition of the COPC-2000 CSP Standard. After the first standard was developed, COPC Inc. was formed to help promote the new standard. Co-founders of COPC Inc. include president Peter Bloom, chief executive officer Alton Martin and chairman Cliff Moore. [3]

Standards Committee

The current COPC Inc. Standards Committee evolved from the initial group of business professionals that formed the first edition of the COPC-2000 CSP Standard, and precedes the founding of the company. The Standards Committee is made up of volunteers from organizations that implement the COPC Family of Standards. Standards Committee members are responsible for proposing improvements to the COPC-2000 Family of Standards and promoting implementation of the standards. The committee meets twice annually.[4]

COPC-2000 Performance Management System

The COPC-2000 Performance Management System was created by COPC Inc. to provide a benchmark for buyers of call center services, marked by the COPC-2000 Family of Standards. COPC Certification provides defined processes, measured metrics, and outcomes to highlight qualified suppliers. To become certified, COPC Inc. offers suppliers consulting services, benchmarking services, training, and installation, a process designed to help companies continually measure customer contact center performance.[5]

COPC Inc. offers two certification standards, the COPC-2000 CSP Standard and the COPC-2000 VMO Standard. The COPC-2000 CSP Standard helps define industry performance for customer service providers (CSP), including transaction processing operations, e-commerce centers and call centers.[6]

The COPC-2000 VMO Standard is closely aligned with the COPC-2000 CSP Standard. It helps define a list of requirements for vendor management organizations (VMO) to help them rate the performance of third party customer contact centers. The standard highlights performance in four categories: leadership and planning, key people processes, key business processes, and goals.[7]


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